One of the yearly traditions at my school is creating class t-shirts! Each grade level has their own color. As as a school {K-5}, we work together to decide which colors we are going to choose {kinder: yellow, first grade: red, second grade: green, and so on...}.

Then, each teacher has
their own class t-shirt. T-shirts are made with students’ own artwork. Each student creates a self-portrait, along with their classmates’. One lucky student can even draw the teacher!!
These t-shirts are memorable keepsakes for years to come. Here's my collection so far. Most importantly, our class T-shirts are worn on spirit day, and on all field trips to easily recognize our students and their respective class.

Then, each teacher has
their own class t-shirt. T-shirts are made with students’ own artwork. Each student creates a self-portrait, along with their classmates’. One lucky student can even draw the teacher!!
These t-shirts are memorable keepsakes for years to come. Here's my collection so far. Most importantly, our class T-shirts are worn on spirit day, and on all field trips to easily recognize our students and their respective class.
The company that creates these adorable self-portrait t-shirts is called Whitney Daniels Designs. They are based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Click on the image below for my teacher directions, teacher order form, a sample parent letter, and parent order form. Clipart by ThistleGirl Designs.
Thank you for sharing this. The last time I did something like this was for my Kinders, now I have a resource to do it with my second graders.
It is a lot of fun! The students feel lots of pride in a shirt that they created!! Enjoy!
I love the idea. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing. I think this would be a really cute idea for my Pre-K's. Cute!
How cute! Thanks for sharing.
What a great idea! To top it off the prices aren't too bad. Our school has uniforms so I would have to consider whether we could do this. Thanks so much for this idea! I love it!!
Robin (Bigbird)
I think this is so adorable and clever. This is such a great idea. Thanks for sharing such cute project. It really builds community in a classroom.
I just saw these at the national I Teach K conference in Vegas! They are a must have! Can't wait to do them this year!
Empowering Kinders and Other Kids Too
Empowering Little Learners!
@ Jennifer: That is so cool that you saw them at the conference!! I know that kinder teachers can have their own personal t-shirt with their a.m. class on the front and p.m. class on the back {if applicable}. Thanks for commenting!!
@ Big Bird (Robin): The cost to make the shirts is $7 per student. Our grade level charged $10 per shirt. The proceeds helped buy shirts for those students without family funds. That way no one was left out. :)
Thank you for sharing this! I would love to start this at my school!
This is the cutest thing ever!!
Thank you so much for sharing this. What a fantastic idea and keepsake. When did you do these (early in the yr, later on?)
This is so cute, and I know the kids will love it! Plus the price isn't bad at all!
Oh my gosh! I love this idea! I'm lead teacher this year and I was just working on our t-shirts. We've all had the same design in the past and it's been that same design for several years now. I'm ready for a change. I've been sending them ideas, but this by far has been the cutest idea! Thanks for sharing!
I just had to put this on my blog this as my blog this morning! After my last post, I also emailed my principal to see what she thought. :)
These are SO cute!
First Grade Blue SKies
I saw these the other day! I was out and about with my sisters and a year round school was having a field trip--they had those shirts on! Thanks for posting about this! I totally want those for my class!
I LOVE these!! I must have them!!
@dbednars: We start making our shirts after count day. Once count day is done, teachers and students have been situated into their permanent classroom. This is usually mid-September. We try to have our shirts ready before our first field trip. Thanks for commenting.
Alicia, I love these t-shirts. Question: Do you have students that move in later in the year? How do you handle that? Do you give them a shirt as a welcome gift from the class or ?????
An Open Door
@ Camille: Sometimes we have enough funds where each teacher can have 1-2 extra shirts on hand. Even though the new student is not on the t-shirt, they still enjoy having a class shirt.
First Grade Factory
Thank you for the resource. ^_^
We do that too and I love it each year!! :) Its such a great way to remember your kiddos - and the kids love it!
We've done these shirts at my school for a long time! Our school is in SLC, Utah so it's so funny that you do shirts from them too!!!!
I am following all three of you and keeping my fingers crossed! Love your inspiring!
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