How many times do you model the steps for students, ask them to repeat the steps, and then send them to work independently...and not 5 minutes later you hear, "Teacher, what do I do next?" Or, how many times do you model the steps that students are to follow and next thing you know...a student is cutting out materials and they were supposed to color first!?!
To make sure students don't forget...I created picture direction icons to post on my whiteboard.

Not only do students have a visual to refer to (without having to ask the teacher), but you can foster independence by reminding students where to find the answer. Clipart by Scrappin Doodles.
Excellent Idea! If I had a dime for every time a child asked... What do I do next??? I would only be teacher for PLEASURE!! Haha!!
Thank you for these - wonder why I didn't think of this! :)
So great, is your board magnetic?
Fern Smith’s Classroom Ideas!
Yes...our whiteboards are magnetic. Are yours?
I love this idea!! Fabulous! :)
I do this too, but yours are SO cute! :) Thanks!!1 I was actually going to post mine on our blog next week...I'll have to link your post too!
OH MY GOODNESS THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is great! Thanks!
You are a genius and I'll add to the list...WHY didn't I think of this before?! :)
I used these today for the first time and they worked like a charm! I posted about how great they are on my blog :)
Outfitted and Inspired
Is there anyway I can get a copy of your icons
Ditto, I would love a copy of your icons, they are way cuter than the ones I use!
What a great idea! I see that you did share them but cannot figure out how they were downloaded. Are you still sharing?
~ Mrs. Mc
Little Literacy Learners
They are great...I would love to be able to download if you have made them available...Thanks!!
They're back for your downloading pleasure! Enjoy!!
Mrs. Lochridge
Thank You!! Thank You!!
Yes, THANK YOU!!! LOVE them!!
~ Mrs. Mc
Little Literacy Learners
I have something so similar to this its scarey! I did it like a flow map and posted it around the room. I used almost the same icons but I start with name on paper, cut, glue, color, and throw away your trash! It is so perfect for kinderkids. Thanks for another version.
What a great idea! I tried to download the icons, but it didn't work. Would ou mind emailing me a copy? I'd really appreciate it.
I soooo love this icons. Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to use them next year!
I am a new Kindergarten blogger and just found your blog! I also created tools like this! It was a life saver. Have you seen the "I am finished" jar idea?! Super cute! I can't wait to look around your blog.
Live Love Laugh Everyday In Kindergarten
this is wonderful! i just came across it today. have to love some early morning blog stalking. thank you for sharing! jamie leigh
Very Cute...thanks so much for sharing. I've done this with bulletin board cut outs, but these are so cute!
Such a simple idea...yet so brilliant! Thank you so much for sharing! :)
I'm just finding this idea but am DEFINITELY going to be using it during the upcoming school year! Thank you!
How about them apples?
What a super idea!! I tried to download the icons, but it didn't work. Would you mind emailing me a copy?
Thank you!
I also tried to download but it wouldn't work! I love love love these. If you get a chance do you mind emailing them to me too. Thanks so much!!!
Love your idea! :) Thanks for sharing!!!
This is such a great idea for my visual learners! Thanks so much!
So cute! Unable to download could you please email it to me? sdechau@yahoo.com
Is the cat for work? Apparently I can't think today! lol
Thanks for sharing!
Yes. He is holding a pencil as if he's writing. :)
Great idea - thanks for sharing!
This is so great- thanks for posting this!
LOVE LOVE LOVE it! THANK YOU for sharing this!!!
I've been doing this for a while, but I've just been quickly drawing pencil, scissors, and glue stick each time. This will definately save time!
Thank you so much. I used them on Friday and they worked like a dream.
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful idea and resource!
Love it!!! I teach 5th grade and they still ask what to do next!!
Love these!!! Thank you!! :)
Kindergarten Stars
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