Tuesday, October 11, 2011

SmartBoard Wands


1 Mrs. D said...

Love it! Because, YES, I hate hearing those squeaky fingers. :)


2 Alicia Lochridge said...

Thanks for commenting, Mrs. D! If you don't need the height of a wand, have students hold a tennis ball in their hand to select and drag. Works like a charm.


3 LovelyNina said...

What a great idea. Another idea that works are the plastic finger pointers that you get at the Dollar Tree (store)....kids love to use those too!

4 Jennifer K. said...

I am pinning this - no time to make it now, but definitely something I'm going to do for Fall break next week! Thanks for sharing!

Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

5 Alicia Lochridge said...

@LovelyNB: Thanks for commenting! I had read about the plastic hand pointers and tried using some that I already had. But, the hard plastic kind of sent shivers down my spine...just like nails on a blackboard. :( Eeekk! LOL!!


6 Amy said...

I love this idea! Brayden will love using them when you get back. Feel better soon!

7 Alicia Lochridge said...

Thanks, Amy!! I am doing a lot better compared to Sunday and Monday night. :( Even had the energy to get a post done. I will be back tomorrow. I sure missed the class and all the fun we have learning together.


8 Ms. Friedman said...

I can't wait to try this with my 4 year olds! I had to have the smartboard posted higer then they can easily reach so it didn't get beaten up but having them stand on a bench to reach the top is wearing on my nerves :). Thanks so much for the wonderful tip!

9 BAK Pack Photography said...

I have been trying to figure out how to make these. AWESOME!
Thank you!

Beth Ann

10 Kristen said...

BRILLIANT!!! This will be hugely Pinned for sure. Now I just need the Smartboard!!

11 Pam said...

Thank you! I love this idea... I am so making these this weekend! My kinders thank you too!

Anonymous said...

This is also an excellent tool for special education students that have an aversion to touching certain surfaces. I have a student who will get his hand close to the smart board but refuses to touch it. This works! thanks.

13 *FARMERS* said...

Genius idea! I love it :) My little firsties can't reach the top of the board when we are doing sorts and that kind of stuff! LOVE, LOVE!! Thanks for sharing.

14 lkellen said...

Oh my gosh! My teaching partner and I were just saying we need a soft pointer today!! Thanks for the idea!

15 Danielle said...

Oh how I wish I had a smartboard instead of a Mimio! (Don't get me wrong- I'm grateful to have ANYTHING!) Those are just too cute to not find some other reason to use them...

16 Kourtney Payton said...

That is a great idea! We usually use those pointers with the hands but it kills me when they smack it at the board...ahh! I will have to try this...I'm not real handy but I've been on a painting kick lately. Is the PVC pipe cut like this already or did you have to cut it/get it cut?

17 Missy Kennedy said...


My name is Missy Kennedy and I teach third grade. I am part of the postcard exchange and wanted to let you know about my class.

Our school is Parkview Baptist School and is located in Baton Rouge, the capitol of Louisiana. We are celebrating our 30th birthday this year and are the largest private school (non-parochial) in the state.

We are excited about getting to know more about your class. I have a postcard exchange page on my blog and hope you visit. We have some questions for you to answer listed on that page. I will post as I receive postcards.

Looking forward to meeting you and your class,

Mrs. Kennedy
The Kennedy Korral Blog

18 Alicia Lochridge said...

@Mrs. Payton: The PVC pipe that I used was cut at home. I'm pretty sure that you can have the hardware store cut it to your request. Thanks for commenting. :)


19 Carrie said...

Such a great solution! I featured it over at my blog. Thanks for sharing!

20 Unknown said...

Check with the band directors in your district and see if there are any old mallets they are getting rid of. They can be reused just for this purpose.

21 Mrs. Yazzie's Classroom News said...

Cool idea. My SmartBoard is portable and adjustable. But still, when my student helpers orient, without fail only the tallest in my class can reach the across the top. I will make a few of these this summer!

22 melissa_holdren said...

Thank you so much! This is absolutely what I've needed! I can't wait to make them this week!!!

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