So, my teacher talk this Tuesday is inspired by my husband. He graciously helped me square away my classroom today!! My husband has definitely helped me become a "smarter" teacher. I love to create systems to organize and streamline my work.
For example, I wanted to hang student work on one of my classroom walls; basically, creating a bulletin board. Well, part of a bulletin board is changing out the work. It is very time-consumming to remove staples. In an effort to create an organized system, I tried using clothespins on a string. Oh, boy! That was a crooked, lopsided bother!! My husband showed me some picture clips from Command and made a suggestion. I already loved their hooks and strips for my center signs. He had my attention.

I hope you have someone to support you and your classroom. It makes a world of difference. Organization and efficient systems are also key!
Bounce on over to "Blog Hoppin'" to link up.
What a sweet guy! Love your kitty picture.
Grade ONEderful
Hi Alicia! I love your blog! It was one of the first teaching blogs I started reading last spring when I was looking for help/guidance in growing lima bean plants.
I don't know if you've ever used a push pin (not thumb tack) into the wall and then hanging a binder clip from it. I use that method and it makes putting up work a breeze! If I can, I usually leave work on the binder clip and just put stuff over it, that way it's ready for the end of the year memory books.
Have a great year!
That is a brilliant idea. I never thought of using string to make a straight line. I'm always stapling and restapling! Wow!
The Write Handed Teacher
What a great idea! I have very little bulletin board space in my room (and none in the hall), so I was trying to figure out how to turn a wall into a makeshift bulletin board. I'll have to pick up some of the picture clips!
Mrs. Lopac Teaches...
Alicia did you get my last comment about the harcourt basal activities? I thought I posted here but maybe it didn't go through. My team mate and I LOVE you activities for the first basal reader and wondered if you have any more for the remainder basals. I purchased the first one and searched in teachersnotebook for the others. I for the anticipation guides too. Do you have any other items for sale or up for grabs for harcourt? Thanks. Jen. Jbluth@kyrene.org.
Hi, Jen! I just received your comment regarding Harcourt Basal activities. I will start working on the second basal supplements within the next week. I will try to have it ready within the month. The first week of school was a whirlwind!! Whew! :) I am glad that you love the activities. Stay posted.
I was drooling over it the other day walking through the hallway. It made me want to redo our PTO board :)
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